Heroes of Camelot Wiki


Titania is a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. In the play, she is the queen of the fairies. Due to Shakespeare's influence, later fiction has often used the name "Titania" for fairy queen characters. In traditional folklore, the fairy queen has no name. Shakespeare took the name "Titania" from Ovid's Metamorphoses, where it is an appellation given to the daughters of Titans. Shakespeare's Titania is a very proud creature and as much of a force to contend with as her husband Oberon. She and Oberon are engaged in a marital quarrel over which of them should have the keeping of an Indian changeling boy. This quarrel is the engine that drives the mix ups and confusion of the other characters in the play. Due to an enchantment cast by Oberon's servant Puck, Titania magically falls in love with a "rude mechanical" (a labourer), Nick Bottom the weaver, has been given the head of a donkey by Puck, who feels it is better suited to his character. It has been argued that this incident is an inversion of the Circe story. In this case the tables are turned on the character, and rather than the sorceress turning her lovers into animals, she is made to love a donkey after Bottom has been transformed.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titania


ArcaneAugurs Arcane Augurs: Decrease enemy team Skill Proc by 12%.

GuidingLight Guiding Light: Passive - Increase Max HP & Healing Effectiveness by 175%.

NaturesEdict Nature's Edict: Passive - Increase ATK by 125%, Max HP by 150% & reflect 15% damage.


Note : See Evolution Methods for clarification of Evolves

Evolve Tier 1 LV 70 (HP-ATK) Tier 2 LV 80 (HP-ATK) Tier 3 Lv 90 (HP-ATK) Tier 4 Lv 110 (HP-ATK)
8 Card Perfect - - - -

4 Card Evolve

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Speed -
Enhanced Speed -
Efficient -

5 Card Evolve

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T1 Max -
T3 Max + T2 PE -

6 Card Evolve

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Perfect -
Sub Max -

7 Card Evolve

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T3 Max -

8 Card Evolve

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Max -

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