Heroes of Camelot Wiki


The Dagda (modern spelling: Daghdha, likely from Proto-Celtic: Dagodeiwos, "the good god") is an important god of Irish mythology. The Dagda is a father-figure and a protector of the tribe. In some texts his father is Elatha, in others his mother is Ethniu. Other texts say that his mother is Danu; while others yet place him as the father of Danu, perhaps due to her association with Brigit, daughter of the Dagda. The Dagda's siblings include the gods Ogma and Ler. He is also known by the epithets Eochaid Ollathair ("All-father"), Ruad Rofhessa ("lord of great knowledge"), Samildanach ("many-skilled"), Cera (possibly meaning "creator"), Fer Benn ("horned man" or "man of the peak"), Easal, Eogabal, Crom-Eocha and Ebron (which seem to refer to yew).

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dagda


AgeBeforeBeauty Age Before Beauty: Passive - Increase Healing Effectiveness by 100% & Skill Proc by 12%.

RoundEmUp Round 'em Up: Passive - Increase ATK by 175% & reflect 15% damage.

Pantheon Pantheon: Passive - Increase Healing Effectiveness by 100% & Skill Proc by 10% & Reflect 20% damage.

HopefulFields Hopeful Fields: Passive - Prevent 45% damage.


Note : See Evolution Methods for clarification of Evolves

Evolve Tier 1 LV 70 (HP-ATK) Tier 2 LV 80 (HP-ATK) Tier 3 Lv 90 (HP-ATK) Tier 4 Lv 110 (HP-ATK)
8 Card Perfect - - - -

4 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Speed -
Enhanced Speed -
Efficient -

5 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T1 Max -
T3 Max + T2 PE -

6 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Perfect -
Sub Max -

7 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
T3 PE + T3 Max -

8 Card Evolve[]

Tier 4 only (HP/ATK)
Enhanced Speed -
Sub Max -

Photo Gallery[]
